Although he holds the Vice-Chairman title, and is listed as Stadium Manager on our website, Kevin is 100% a volunteer. He looks after the Stadium, organising the other volunteers and keeping it in tip top condition. If anything needs fixing, or painting, Kev’s your man.

However the main reason for his nomination is for the time he spends helping with pitch maintenance and preparation. The Groundsman role is shared with Phil Martin, and it’s not uncommon to find him cutting the pitch, or painting some of the straightest white lines in non-league football. A feet made even more of a challenge for him by the fact that he only has one hip (a long and sorry story)!

The hours he puts in are just staggering for someone in his condition. Fondly known throughout the club as Super Kev, Farnborough FC just would not function without him.

Chairman Simon Gardener said: “Congratulations to Kevin Dyer for winning The National League South Volunteer of the Month. Whilst the award can’t possibly thank you enough for all your selfless hard work, we’re proud to have you as an ambassador for the club and appreciate all you do each and every week.

“It’s a testament to the loyal volunteers we have at the club that so many people could have been nominated for this award. On behalf of Farnborough Football Club, I thank you all for your valued contributions.”