Sponsorship Packages
The presence of your company name here at Farnborough Football Club has great reach.

In the heart of the community
90% of supporters attending matches at Cherrywood Road are local people.
We offer four exceptional packages with flexibility to suit every budget, and to optimise every opportunity to promote your company.
Tier 1 – £800.00 + vat
- 12 Month Business Partnership
- Advertising Board + board cost (£125.00 + vat)
- Logo and Company Profile on the website
- Quarter Page Advert in the Match programme
- 14 match Day Tickets (League games only)
- Commemorative Digital Photograph
- Partnership announcement in the media and match days
- Social Media Exposure
Tier 2 – £1,100.00 + vat
- 12 Month Business Partnership
- Advertising Board + board cost (£125.00 + vat)
- Logo and Company Profile on the front page of the website
- 1 player shirt (Home or Away) with company name on the back
- Half Page Advert in the Match programme
- 30 Match Day Tickets (League games only)
- Match Ball Sponsor (6 People)
- Commemorative Photograph
- Partnership announcement in the media and match days
- Social Media Exposure
Tier 3 – £1,650.00 + vat
- 12 Month Business Partnership
- 2 Advertising Boards (Crowd or Pitch facing) board cost Included
- Logo and Company Profile on the website including a link.
- Full Page Advert in the Match Programme
- 2 Season Match Day Tickets (League games only)
- Match Ball Sponsor (8 People)
- 2 shirts Home or Away with company name on the back
- Signed Game Ball
- Platinum Lounge access at half time for refreshments
- Commemorative Photograph
- Partnership announcement in the media and match days
- Social Media Exposure
Tier 4 – £3,000.00 + vat
- 12 Month Business Partnership
- 5 Advertising Boards (Crowd or Pitch facing) board cost included
- Logo and Company Profile on the website including a link.
- Full Page Advert in the Match programme
- 3 Season Tickets (League games only)
- Match Ball Sponsor (10 People)
- Match Sponsor (12 people)
- 2 shirts Home or Away with company name on the back
- Signed Game Ball
- Platinum Lounge access at half time for refreshments
- Commemorative Photograph
- Industry Exclusivity
- Partnership announcement in the media and match days
- Social Media Exposure
Interested in partnering with us?
For further details email our Commercial Manager: commercial@farnboroughfc.co.uk