Farnborough FC Radio
This is Farnborough FC Radio, the Football Club's official Radio Station.

Farnborough Community Radio is the only place you can hear live Commentaries of Farnborough Football Club matches this season.
Matchday LIVE is on air 15 minutes before kick off, bringing you all the build up to the big game including the team news.
We also have exclusive behind the scenes access bringing you interviews with players and staff past and present and when it comes to breaking news, we have it first!

New for 2023/24
For Farnborough’s home games, join lead Commentator Ben Shoveller for Matchday LIVE, broadcasting from the newly-named Andy Smart Commentry Box at the Saunders Transport Community Stadium.
Ben will be joined on Commentary by one of his crack team of summerisers; journalist and fan of over 30 years Neil Shoesmith, super supporter Carl Dugmore and ex Farnborough player Nic Ciardini. Also new for this season, James the stat man joins the Matchday LIVE team.
We’ll also be covering more away games than ever before this season so keep an eye above for the next live Commentaries.
If you can’t make it to the game tune in to Matchday LIVE and enjoy the excitement!
You can also send the Radio Station a WhatsApp text message before, during or after any game on 07568 923220. Data charges may apply.
How to listen
Head to www.farnboroughcommunityradio.co.uk
Listen live on the Radio Player below or by downloading the free onlineradiobox.com app on your phone and searching for ‘Farnborough FC Radio’.
If you can connect your phone to your cars entertainment system, then Farnborough Football Club Radio can be heard when you’re on the move.
Farnborough Football Club Radio has big plans for 2023, check back regularly for updates and show news.